Why does She Cry?

by Cindi
(Walnut Creek, CA, USA)

My granddaughter is three and a half months old. The past week, she's begun to cry uncontrolably whenever I pick her up. Her mom and dad have to calm her down and then I just keep my distance. It happens when I see her at dinner. Her other grandmother see's her in the morning and isn't having this same problem. What is wrong with me? What can I do to make this stop????

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Sep 22, 2014
why does she cry
by: Anonymous

My son passed away 4months ago at 21 he got to see his daughter but now she Cry's a lot with but not with her grandfather I carry her omg she cries so much

Aug 10, 2010
I may be able to help
by: Anonymous

The same stuff has happened with my now 15 month old son. I hope all this makes sense to you as I feel like I need to share this. I will explain to you what I have learned. My baby will do that with certain people, mostly his grandfather.

Usually there is something vibrating in you (an emotion) that is also the same one vibrating in your grandchild. When she gets close to you for some reason it makes that emotion vibrate at a more intense volume and they feel it and it makes them upset. it could be either fear, anxiety, or whatever..They are called trapped emotions. I learned how to get rid of those using The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson, clear that emotion from your grandchild and I am sure he/she will love to come to you again. This has happened with my baby numerous times, mostly with Grandpa R. I recommend you get on Amazon and buy the book and learn how to do what he teaches. It has been life changing and a great blessing in more than just this way. I hope this helps.

May 14, 2010
why does she cry
by: Beccie

I'm sorry, don't know what I was thinking but the aloe that I mentioned was meant to be lavendar. My bad. Thank you for listening. Beccie

May 13, 2010
why does she cry
by: Beccie

Hi Cindi,
Do you hum or sing? You know since babies senses are so attuned as that is all they have to decipher what emotion to show. Sound may work too. If she's tired, hum something soft, if she's cooing and happy sing a little song to her. I do hope you can get to hold her soon. Don't wait too long you may miss some very precious moments with her. Very sincerely, Beccie PS if you don't like chamomile, you can also use some aloe. If you smoke, you may want to wash your hands first.

May 12, 2010
Thank you both
by: Cindi

I have begun to keep stay back more than I use to and just gently touch her as you suggested. I haven't tried the oils yet, but it sounds like a great idea. I just want to be able to hold her and calm her when she needs it!! Can't wait to get past this as both her parents feel the same. Thanks again for your wise words!

May 07, 2010
Essential Oils
by: Grandma

That's great advice Beccie,

The essential oils would really relax both Grandma and baby. Sometims a perfume can send a baby into a fit, or even soaps that have deoderant or are scented with perfume. Also think about what hair spray you might be usingo or skin lotion. Babies depend on their senses more than we realize at such a young age. But when you think about it, this is their natural defense.

Thanks for your wisdom Beccie,


May 07, 2010
Why does she try.
by: Beccie

Good suggestions Grandma. One more thing I would like to give my 2 cents about would be to either where no perfume, cologne or whatever. If she knows your voice, she also knows your smell. If you have any chamomile essential oil, wear just a little of that. It will soothe you and will also soothe her when she smells it. It's baby proof. Caution, not too much it goes a long way. If not chamomile, try lavendar oil.

May 07, 2010
Grandma's Frustration
by: Grandma

God love ya Cindi, I feel your frustration and I'll bet your granddaughter does too. Our sweet little grand-babies can cause us to feel like there is something wrong with us. Stop feeling that way, it isn't you. I'll bet the first time this happened she was in a fussy mood and you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now whenever she hears your voice or smells your scent she's expecting you to be all frustrated with her again. I have 14 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren and I have been where you're at with one or two. Even though we think we are being patient we get nervous and frustrated and babies can feel that.

My advice would be to not try picking her up for awhile. Just gently touch her cheek with the back of your finger and say a few sweet words to her for a few days. Stop by in the morning when babies aren't so fussy and smile and talk to her but don't pick her up. When you see she's in a good mood have her mommy hold her and you hug them both on a few occasions. Little by little she'll learn to trust your arms and will want to spend time with you. One of my granddaughter did this to me and I just kept my distance until she trusted me again and now she tells everybody that her Grandma is her best friend. She lights up my life and whenever we're together she tells everybody to go away so she and grandma can play and be best friends. You'll have this too one day Cindi, just be patient.


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