
by Sharon

In the past when I have had a wart, I went to the Doctor to have it removed with an electric needle. Sometimes this left a scar.

I went on line to find a cure and tried the one using apple cider vinegar. Simply tear a small piece of cotton and saturate it with the apple cider vinegar (it doesn't have to be organic or unfiltered). Place the cotton ball directly on the wart and tape it on. Do this before bedtime and remove the cotton in the morning. The wart should completely disappear in a week to ten days.

I was amazed at how well and quickly this worked.

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Jul 27, 2015
by: Margret

Are you saying this for real, that you actually removed wart using apple cider? My friend does have wart attack and it is on a grand scale. I think may be this would be very helpful for him.

Nov 06, 2009
Natural Wart Remover with Apple Cider Vinegar
by: Grandma

Hi Sharon,

Wow, what a great tip. Getting a wart is so depressing but getting it removed can be painful and like you said, can leave a scar.

I'm really impressed with your home remedy for removing a wart with apple cider vinegar. Thank you for sharing the step by step instructions on how to remove a wart naturally.


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