Vinegar + Soy = Flawless Sleep

by Victor Cefala
(Atlanta, Georgia)

My own grandmother swore by this, and I always laughed it off until I was an adult and had a variety of sleeping problems. Well, I gave it a shot, and I am blown away at the difference something so simple can make.

1 part soy sauce, 1 part vinegar. How easy is that?

I simply fill a shot glass up half way with each and toss it back in one gulp, since let's be honest, it does not taste great. But then I sleep like a baby. I wondered why this might work, but it turns out it's pretty logical, according to my doctor friends that have begun using this as a natural way to alleviate sleep difficulty. Soy sauce, of course, comes from soy beans, and I'm sure I don't need to tell the folks here of soy's varied uses. It's a natural superbean. Vinegar is also natural and has a few different effects. Firstly, catching a whiff of the scent as you're doing the shot helps clear the sinuses, which in turn helps you relax. It has similar effects to some scents used in aromatherapy. It also helps cleanse the system and settle the stomach, which is especially helpful if you tend to snack around bedtime (the digestion process impedes the brain functions that induce sleep.)

Even if I'm not having problems with insomnia, I still find it useful to take a shot and notice that my sleep is deeper and more restful. I know natural remedies tend to affect different people differently, so I hope someone finds this as useful as I do.

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Nov 11, 2014
This really works.
by: Anonymous

That was great. I tried it last night and I really slept like a baby. I slept deep. Thanks for the site.

Jun 11, 2011
Home Remedy for Sleep Solution
by: Grandma

Hello Victor,

Wow, you really surprised me with this home remedy for sleep solutions. I have to admit I'm not looking foreward to the taste, but I will, without a doubt, give this remedy a try.

Soy is one of those things people don't give enough credit to. But it really does have some amazing benefits. I know I've used it many times to treat burns. I discovered it one day by accident, I burnt my fingers and didn't have my aloe within reach so I grabed a packet of soy sauce I had left over from some Chinese we bought the night before. I spread the soy sauce over my burnt finger, after rinsing them in cold water, and to my amazement my fingers stopped burning and didn't hurt at all through the healing.

Thank you so much Victor for sharing your Grandma's secret remedy for a sound nights sleep. I'd much rather try this than all those over-the-counter drugs that's so easy to get addicted to.


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