Vinegar for Sore Throat and Sinus Problems

My grandmother made us gargle with a mixture of warm salt water with some apple cider vinegar added. This mixture not only cut the congestion but actually helped heal the infections. As a child I hated this but as an adult I still use it because it works.

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Jul 24, 2015
by: Sara

That actually sounds very useful. I had been taking Strepsils for sore throat and was thinking about going for some alternatives than these synthetic ones. I hope that the method you share would work out well.

Oct 24, 2010
Hi Beccie
by: Grandma

I was surprised to see your submission I thought you were still in PA. I'm sorry to read that you and Elaine are having problems with your ears and throat. It sounds to me like you may be dealing with a sinus infection. For that I swear by using a neti-pot. It flushes all the infection out without side effects of drugs. You can read about the neti-pot and how to use it under "Home Remedies" and the link for "Sinus Infections".

Another home remedy I swear by is using Glycerine for the ears. It's a really old fashioned remedy that my grandmother used and I've used on all my kids and grandkids anytime they get an earache. I have a page about it under "Home Remedies" and you'll find a link for "Home Remedy for Earache".

The remedy that was just submitted also sounds great for your throat and sinus infection. It's worth a try. I'm sure you have salt water and apple cider vinegar, you could try it today and see how it works out for you.

Take care, thinking about you with love,


PS Don't forget about my hot toddy recipe if you suspect you might have chest congestion. Grandpa and I both used it with a vaporizer over the last couple of weeks when we caught that flu bug. We're feeling great now.

Oct 24, 2010
Apple Cider Vinegar & Salt Water
by: Patricia

Thank you so much for sharing your grandma's tip for sore throat and sinus problems. Mixing salt water and apple cider vinegar is a new remedy to me but I'm sure it works and I will defenitly try it myself next time I'm feeling the symptoms of a throat infection or sinus problems.


Oct 24, 2010
draining ears
by: Beccie

Hi Grandma,
I have a couple of issues for you that kind of go together. One is, my ears are draining and getting crusty. Last night the trickle of drainage woke me up. This has been going on since the late part of summer. Also I have a lot of nasal drainage, with dry mouth and dry throat. Yes I am a smoker, but have been so it may add to it but not the cause. My wife has the same ear issues, which is new to her as well.
By the way for anyone reading this, the pineapple juice works wonders for the tiny bubbles that they put me on Nexium for. No more Nexium, but lots of pineapple juice. This was recommended for heartburn, but, I didn't have that. It was like I had ate a seltzer with several tiny bubbles keeping me from being able to eat. Thank you Grandma. Love Beccie

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