by Anne
(Montreal Canada)

Hi Patty, my 15 month old grandson suddenly started not wanting to come to me and crying when I try to hold him. This started 4 weeks ago all of a sudden.. he adores his Grandpa however. I remember stranger anxiety when my kids were small but I don't know what to think. As you can imagine I am just crushed! I don't wear heavy makeup or perfumes like some of the info on the net suggest may be problematic. Any ideas, I am heartbroken. Anne


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Dec 27, 2011
Toddler's and Rejection
by: Grandma

Hello Anne,

I'm sorry I couldn't get back to you much sooner, I tried to write to you twice last week but there was some kind of glitch that wouldn't publish what I wrote to you.

Anyway, when one of my grandchildren would get a bug up their little butt I'd just go out to the dollar store and buy a few toys that I called mine. I'd go over to see them with my toys and play with the toys without paying any attention to the child. Before you know it, they want to play with you and the toys. The real secret is, don't let the toys there, just bring them along every time you visit. Your grandson will get real excited when he sees you coming knowing you both can play with your toys.

Grandma Patty

Dec 21, 2011
Just a thought
by: Anonymous

My son did this with my mother-in-law and it turns out she was sick and it was his way of saying hey something is wrong with Maw Maw. Then my daughter did it with her great grandma and again she was sick and this was her way of letting us know. Just a thought. Kids have a way of letting us know things.

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