Sore Throat Cure

by Tammy Osullivan
(Phoenix AZ)

Organic apple cider vinegar is a great sore throat stopper I just pour a little in a glass and gargle throughout the day, Please be advised it may sting a little but it does work also if you drink it it's suppose to help with the ph balance in your blood Great Stuff!

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Jun 04, 2014
Vinegar & Sore Throat
by: Grandma

Hi Tammy,

I have to admit I've never tried using Apple Cider Vinegar for sore throat relief. I imagine it would sting a bit but I'm sure as your throat starts to heal the sting will calm down. It's a great idea and you don't have to worry if you swallow a bit like you would with over-the-counter sore throat medicine.

Thank you for the vinegar tip!


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