by Kathy Gamble
(Ada, Ohio)
Dear Grandma Patty,
I am the mother of five wonderful children. They range in age from 15 1/2 to 8. A very lively bunch that keeps me on my toes!
My 15 year old daughter has recently started to have a really hard time falling asleep and when she does drift off she can't stay asleep. She has her own room (as do all the kids) and has a fan running because she likes the white noise. She has an extremely limited intake of caffeine (usually a bottle of pop on the weekend only) and is generally busy during the day. I heard a brief clip a few weeks ago about teens having hormonal craziness that causes insomnia and "taking this pill will cure that immediately!" Well there's no way I want to go that route! I was wondering if you had any ideas that might help her without "drugging" her. This will come in quite handy since she has 2 more sisters after her and 2 brothers as well! They are just too big to rock to sleep nowadays!!!
Thank you for your help!
Kathy Gamble
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