In my defense I have freckles and the only time I even considered removing them was when I was a very young child. My 'friends' (notice the quotation marks) used to say I was ugly because of them.
However, once I decided to reject their view of my appearance, I started getting compliments about them - how cute they were.
So, if you're in the same position that I was in, stop accepting others' description about you and decide that you are beautiful - freckles and all.
As far as the acne, make sure you watch what you eat and increase your water intake - no matter what it is at this time. Also, add several servings of asparagus to your diet/weekly, as well as a tonic of apple cider vinegar and honey (1 tablespoon of each in an 8-oz glass of water daily)
Acne is a sign that your body's ph balance is off (you're very acidic) Asparagus is known to decrease your level of acidity almost instantly and the acv tonic will help maintain your body's ph levels.
And, remember, you're as beautiful as YOU think you are...
Sis Najmah
May 28, 2011 Rating
Freckles & Acne Remedy by: Grandma
Hello Ashi,
Freckles really aren't so bad, in fact they can be cute. I really don't know of a remedy to remove freckles but I have heard that if you use the juice of fresh lemons you can fade them. Just dab the juice on your freckles everyday and you should see them fade a bit.
I think your biggest problem is the acne. Once you get the acne cleared up you just might see a big difference in your appearance and the freckles might not bother you so much.
I have a lot of really good remedies for acne, in fact I wrote a whole page of remedies. Just go to the button that reads "Home Remedies" and scroll down to the link that says, "Home Remedies for Acne".