Remedy for Gas with Pain

by Toni booker
(Jamaica, NY)

My daughter has gas problems it gets so bad and very painful the doctor took tests and they found nothing, she has gas so bad and you hear her stomach growling I feel so bad for her, do you have a remedy for gas?

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Dec 01, 2012
Gas Pain and Remedies
by: Grandma

Hello Toni,

I'm not surprised that the Dr. ran a bunch of tests and found nothing..I hear this so many times, I'm wondering if the Dr. suggested anything or tried to investigate her symptoms further, probably not.

When we are in pain like that, no matter what age we are, our bodies are trying to tell us something. The first thing I always suspect, especially with kids is diet. Does her diet consist mostly of dairy products? This can cause a lot of gas and pain. If so, put her on a non-dairy diet for a couple of weeks, especially stay away from milk. I'd also make sure she is drinking plenty of spring water, the symptoms could be a sign of dehydration. Even if she drinks a lot of fluids and not water she could be dehydrated.

I'd also recommend at the times she is dealing with a lot of pain is giving her a can of Coke Cola. Cola is known to help with stomach problems...just have her sip on it and see if that helps relieve the pain. Just make sure you do not give her diet coke.

If you click on the button on the left that reads "Herbal Remedies" and go through the list of remedies I have written about you may find an herbal remedy that might help with the gas problems.


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