Remedy for Chronic Headaches More Frequent at Night

by bob s.
(san diego calif.)

Hi, i have had headaches for a very long time. been to lots of doctors and still no relief. They seem to occur at night, the right side of my head and during weather changes. any ideas...please and thanks

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Sep 09, 2011
Chronic Headaches
by: Grandma

Hello Bob,

Dealing with chronic headaches can really drive you up a wall, I know, I went through this at one period of my life. I'll get to that in a minute. There can be so many causes of chronic headache, like medication, maybe an accident a long time ago, blood pressure, allergies or even food allergies. I'm sure the doctors have gone over this with you. I did write a page about headaches and home remedies, you can find it if you look for the button "Herbal Remedies" and just look for the link "Home Remedies for Headaches".

When I was going through the chronic headaches, many years ago, I thought of everything but what was actually the cause of my headahces. I was blamming the weather, tension, even hayfever. I did notice that when I took my kids to the dairy for ice cream my headaches became more severe. One day I discovered my youngest son had a severe allergy to dairy, it was causing him emotional problems. You can read about it if you go to the button on the left "Allergy Wisdom" and look for the link to dairy allergy. Anyway, I eliminated all dairy products from my home and put him on the food elimination diet. That was how I discoverd his dairy allergy. But to my amazement suddenly my headaches were gone. Since that time we rarely eat dairy, especailly milk, we haven't had milk in my home for over 20 years and I haven't had a headache in over 20 years.

So Bob, think about what you are eating at night, there is something either in your diet or your enviroment that is causing your headahces to become more severe at night. If your doctors can't find anything physically wrong to cause your headaches I would without a doubt investigate into allergies.


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