Remedies for Hair Falling

by Flor

I'm 33, female, and for over a year my hair has become very thin and looks limp.... I have tried everything from over the counter remedies and shampoos to going to the Dr.. just to get a special shampoo that didn't help at all.. I'm taking colagen C, calcium and fish you know of anything else I can try?

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Sep 21, 2011
by: bECCIE

Hi there Flor,
Beccie here.
There are many reasons for losing your hair. Some of them are: stress, being sick for periods of time, certain medications, hormones, poor nutrition,and chemicals used on your hair.
I have a formula of Essential Oils you can use as a regular treatment for your hair loss. It is made up of Rosemary, lavender and peppermint.
If you want more information you can write me at and we can review what may be causing your hair loss and the essential oil information.
What do you have to lose?
Sincerely, Beccie

Sep 20, 2011
Hair Loss Remedies
by: Grandma

Hello Flor,

There are so many reasons a person starts noticing hair loss or thinning. It can come from physical problems, like adrenal deficiency or thyroid dysfunction, scalp infections or even lead poisoning. Then again, it can be from stress or mineral or vitamin deficiencies, hair dyes, perms, even your shampoo or conditioner can cause hair to break down. It's really important to try to figure out what the cause is.

Herbs like Licorice and Siberian ginseng can help keep the adrenial glands functions effeciently. Eating healthy is also important and taking vitamin and mineral supplements are also necessary. Tea-tree oil is really good if you're suffering from any kind of scalp infection. Just massage a few drops into your scalp mixed with a few drops of olive oil can make a huge difference in a healthy scalp.

You could try this old fashioned remedy for hair loss:
Mix together 10 tablespoons of rum, 5 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 egg yolk; massage the mixture into your scalp twice a week in the evening and wash out in the morning.

You can get your herbs, vitamins and minerals at:


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