by Jodi
what do i do about my sister's family who is taking advantage of my mom and she goes along with it because she likes the attention. Ex: she buys their grown kids/spouses birthday presents because they plan a party for them each and invite her. our kids have too much pride to do that and only have parties for special ages like 30, or for kids, which makes sense. they also ask her for anything they need like a snowblower, skillsaw, and all my grandmothers stuff which she gladly gives them. i asked for silverware that i borrow every year for thanksgiving which she's invited for and she she says i have a chip on my shoulder and wouldn't do it for no reason. i think she enjoys the competition she sees going on as i only have one sibling. i would also like to break the relationship with her but she is on dialysis and who knows how long she has. i am the first one she calls for an emergency driver as she has excuses for why my sister and her family can't drive. poor excuses as my sister and her husband don't work. her daughter can't drive because she has two kids. my husband and i both work and i go to school and yet she calls me first. they only drive if there is a meal involved that she pays for. if it is to the doctor they have an excuse. this happened with my grandmother previously while i took care of her at the nursing home for 3 years, they stayed at her lake home and stole all the valuables yet rarely visited = they live as close as we do - no excuse. i know i sound resentful and i am. what is the best way to deal with it - personally i would like to leave the state...we are talking about 50 year olds here and their grown children. any advice/?
Comments for Relatives Who Take Advantage of Elder Parents