Preventative Measures for Cold Sores Outbreaks


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Jul 05, 2011
yogurt cure
by: Angie

My Mom swears by the yogurt cure. Years ago she used to get Cold Sores really bad but now she very rarely gets them any more(colds) not only would she eat it, she would put plain yogurt ON the cold sore and it seemed to work, because a few days later it was almost clear to totally clear.

Jun 28, 2011
Cold Sores Outbreaks
by: Grandma


I'm sure you realize that cold sores are caused by the virus herpes simplex. And that they are extremely contagious. They can last up to 3 weeks once you have an outbreak.

This type of virus can lay dormant for years and suddenly you can have one outbreak after another. Since there is no cure, such as antibiotics it's important to pay attention to building your own natural immune system. One supplement that is highly recommended for this type of virus and is a good preventative is L-lysine. If you have a chronic problem, like 3 outbreaks a year the dosage would be 2,000 to 3,000 milligrams a day for preventitive but if you notice an outbreak it's best to double the dosage for awhile. I took L-lysine for the shingles over a year ago when I refused to take the medication the doctor prescribed, the side effects were just too dangerous.

You should also take 400 milligrams of Vitamin C a day and double it for an outbreak. You should also eat a couple of cups of yogurt a day and stay out of the sun as much as possible. Most important once you notice an outbreak make sure you get a new toothbrush and another new one after the outbreak.

Eating raw vegetables and several cloves of garlic a day can really help boost your immune system.

If you want to buy the supplements I suggested the only place I trust the quality to buy my supplements and vitamins is;


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