Please Update Your Info Pages Because

I found your website and got so excited and wanted to learn all about you and found that the about you pages were last updated in 2009.

So I was afraid you had allowed the whole site to go dormant.

Then I clicked on your response to a person and learned that you had answered SEpt 27 2012.

Please, I want to get better acquainted with you and your great website with info about you that I hope you will update so others will not get the scare that I got.

Thank you for your efforts and I will continue to learn what you are all about.

Are you promoting a MLM business or sell affiliate programs?

I found one place where it said Nature's Sunshine was the best. Are you a distributor of Nature's Sunshine??

Sincerely, Irma Willard

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Oct 18, 2012
Long time overdue!
by: Lynn

I never thought to say thank you for the responses you have given me, I love your site and is my favorite, I always check whenever I wonder about anything and almost always find what I'm looking for. I think your doing a great job and you should be proud, keep up the good work.

Sincerely yours Lynn.

Oct 18, 2012
Total Surprise!
by: Grandma

Hello Irma,

I have to admit, I read your submission yesterday evening and it was a total surprise. I really had to give it some thought and actually go to my "About Me" page and reread it. You're absolutely right, I haven't updated it in a few years and to be honest, really never gave it any thought until last night and again this morning. I did notice that there are some things I need to update but mostly about SBI and the links I provided. They are always improving and I'm not doing them justice until I upgrade the links.

What surprised me was the interest you have taken in me personally. I guess I always thought that when people come to my website it's to find information they are looking for. There is still so much I want to write about and nothing makes me happier than to get an email from people telling me how, in some small way, I was able to help them.

I don't have an MLM business and I really don't sell anything but you're right I am a Nature Sunshine distributor. Only because I believe in this company and their herbal supplements. Nothing upsets me more than hearing from people being mistreated and abused by the medical field.

Space don't allow me to write much more here but I do want to thank you with all my heart for drawing this to my attention and I will take the time to try to update my pages. I'm really not sure what more you would like to learn about me but please feel free to ask me what you are curious about.


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