Pinched Nerve/"Vertigo" Remedy

I am wondering if you have an herbal solutions for a consistent feeling of dizziness that is not technically "vertigo" according to medical doctors but it's present daily. It could be do to a pinch nerve as my left side of my neck is very sore and the muscle it tight. I've tried one session of acupuncture, some PT and massages and it's not improved.


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Nov 15, 2011
leg cirulation
by: Anonymous

thank you grandma. i have peripheral arterial disece in my left leg and cant walk far. my arms are so sore you would think i had pulled a muscle. i just thought if cirulation got better it would help me.

Nov 14, 2011
Pinched Nerves & Chiropractic
by: Grandma

I honestly don't think an herbal remedy would help you at this point. My advice would be for you to see a Chiropractor. I worked as a Chiropractic assistant for almost 20 years and I have witnessed so many unbelievable cases come through our office that the medical profession gave up hope. It does sound like you have a severe pinched nerve in your neck, maybe several. Your spine is a roadmap of nerves all leading through your body and organs. When a nerve is pinched it cuts off the vital blood supply to the organ it leads to.

Find a Chiropractor in your area that belongs to "Life Fellowship" and graduated from Palmer College. I'm sure it will take more than one adjustment, probably seveal. But I believe this is where you'll find relief.


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