Olive Oil Addition to Liver Cleanse

by Beccie

As always, Grandma always comes through for us with some natural remedies.

Back in the 70's I was a heavy drinking teen. I was also not in good health, ever. So I saw a chiropractor for some other health issues and he was concerned about my liver. So he gave me a natural concoction to drink to help my liver recover from the damage I had created. It is much like Grandma's except he added olive oil to it. I cannot tell you why since it was so long ago, but, I have to say it must have worked.
Forty years later I had my liver checked out because like I said, I have other health issues, and my liver was in great shape.

Now if after 20 years of drinking heavily back then and drinking this remedy every night with dinner worked and my liver is in good shape, I am very happy. I have been sober for 25 years in November, maybe time healed my liver too, but, the remedy would have had to have done some good or else I would have had trouble.

So in short, add some olive oil unless Grandma would have a reason not to.
Good luck. Beccie

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Aug 12, 2011
Liver Cleanse & Testimony
by: Grandma

Hi Beccie,

Thank you so much for sharing your testimony of the liver cleanse you went through. I'm a true believer in the benefits of olive oil and adding it to the vinegar and honey tonic seems like a good formula for a liver cleanse. The only problem I can think of is some people might have a tough time getting the tonic down three times a day with the olive oil added. I know some people have a tough time getting used to the vinegar and honey tonic alone. But if you're dealing with liver stress it seems a small price to pay to get it cleansed.


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