Old Wives Tale to Cleanse Your Body

by Marie T
(Dallas, Tx)

I was told by an older African-American woman that there was a way to have your body cleansed by squatting over a round metal tub with certain herbs in it would pull all the built up blood, etc... out of your body, but I don't know what was in the metal tub. Can you plese help me?

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Aug 12, 2011
by: Anonymous

Yes, lol, but my concern is for the herbs that were brewing in the tub. It would also be used to do, like a DNC, after a miscarriage, to cleanse, or have all the dried up old blood in your body...

Aug 08, 2011
Old Wash Pans
by: Grandma

Marie, I wonder if she was talking about a galvenized pan, it was made from sheet metal with a zink coating. I believe you'd only find them now in an anitque shop or, if you get lucky, a possible yard sale.


Aug 08, 2011
metal tub
by: Marie T

No, she clearly stated it was a metal tub, like the kind u would do laundry in outside in the old days...

Jul 26, 2011
Herbal Cleanse Remedy
by: Grandma

Hi Marie,

Wow, that's a new one I've never heard of. I would assume she was talking about a cast iron bathtub. I realize they are rare, that's actually the kind of bathtub I have. I'm sure you've seen them, they usually have the claw legs.


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