Loose Motions and Fever

by Meetu Sehgal
(New Delhi)

Hi Grandma

I heartly believe in your treatments and I would like to know a natural treatment for my 2 yr old daughter, she is suffering from hi fever loose motions and vomiting.

Waiting for your reply.

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Dec 12, 2012
Loosemotion with mucus
by: Anonymous

Hi grandma

Plz give me tips on how to treat loosemotion with mucus
at home for adults. Also, plz tell me how I can
soothe my baby of 11 months who is teething.

Thanks for any advice.

May 02, 2009
Possible Ear Infection
by: Grandma

Meetu, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention,

If loose motions means that your little girl is losing her balance I would suspect an ear infection.

Again, if at all possible I would suggest you take her to see your family Dr. for an ear infection that is causing a high fever. But if this isn't possible I'd suggest using a few drops of Glycerine oil mixed with a few drops of warm water in her ear. If you can't locate Glycerine oil in your country then I'd suggest trying a few drops of warm olive oil. Also a warm moist towel to lay her head on would also help soothe her ear.


May 02, 2009
Flu Symptoms
by: Grandma

Hello Meetu,

Please forgive me for not being very worldly. There are times when I'm asked a question by someone I may not understand exactly what is being asked. You question is an example.

I'm not sure what you mean by loose motion. I'm not sure if you mean loose bowels movement, diarrhea or your daughter is having problems with her range of motion. But I'll do the best I can to answer your question.

At this time I'm extremely concerned if this Swine Flu epidemic has hit your country yet. If so, I'd suggest you take your daughter to the Dr. as soon as possible. But if you feel this is your typical flu symptoms that we all face with our children than I'd suggest the following.

With a high fever your main concern at this point is to keep your daughter hydrated. My first suggestion is to prepare a quart or a liter of water with 1 teaspoon of salt and 8 teaspoons of sugar. I would also suggest you boil the water first than add the ingredients so they dissolve quickly. Let it cool before giving this to her and keep giving it as often as she will take it. If you have to, just give her a teaspoon at a time, like you would soup. This will restore her electroyltes and her body will digest this mixture into her cells.

If she is able to eat anything, I'd suggest giving her smashed bananas, a little brown rice along with a lemon & lime mixed with cool water and sugar. Keep refreshing cool compreses on her forehead and a cool sponge bath a couple of times a day.

As long as the fever isn't too high it's a good thing since it's her natural immune system to raise the body's temperature to fight the infection.

I will keep your daughter in my prayers, and thank you for your confidence in Grandma's Wisdom,


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