by Beccie
(North Carolina)
Hi, Beccie here.
I want to share with you what I believe to be the best product for the simple kitchen burns, Any burn you don't feel you need to go to the hospital for.
Lavender oil is superb and in my opinion can't be beat for those burns.
I would love for you to build an essential oil first aid kit for the house and lavender oil is #1 on the list of must haves.
*Lavender oil is safe for babies, children and pets.*
*Lavender oil can be used directly on the skin*
If you burn yourself, just get your lavender out and put a couple of drops on the area you have burned. Yes, you may find that it burns like heck for a couple of minutes. Then before you know it, you have forgotten about the burn, and there will be no blister, therefore no scar.
Please get yourself a bottle of lavender for your household.
shared with love, Beccie
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