Lady Bugs Remedy

by Sylvia

Hello 'Grandma'

Your recommendations have been so helpful in the past that I'm calling on you again.

LADYBUGS! Although the colors are pretty, they are a pain when they get into the house. Each winter when we have a warm spell here in Georgia, they are all over my ceilings and walls. Is there anything I can do that will ward them off?

Thank you! God bless!

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Aug 17, 2015
To get rid of lady bugs
by: Anonymous

I have been over run with lady bugs and someone suggested that I get a smudge stick. It looks like a fat cigar made out of twigs. You burn them and the lady bugs go away. You can get them on line or at a store that sells all natural things.

Aug 08, 2015
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Aug 06, 2015
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Nov 14, 2014
Remedy for Lady Bugs
by: Grandma

Hi Sylvia,

Lady Bugs are so beneficial to our gardens and environment that I hate the thought of killing them. I have the same problem but not to the extent that you have in Georgia. Each year when the weather starts getting cold here in PA I will notice a few lady bugs crawling up my walls, I simply gently brush them onto a magazine and put them on my inside plants to help with the aphids. When I start to see to many coming in I brush them into a container, like a paper cup and sit them outside near my garden or shrubs. They always seem to find a new home.

You could try a light vinegar mist on you walls and ceiling before the time they usually start coming into your home.


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