Grandma's Organic Kombucha Tea
Recipes & Health Benefits

photo of a glass container full of kombucha tea sitting on a table in the sunlight photo of a kombucha label with list of health benefits photo of a pre-bottle kombucha tea called

Medicinal use of Kombucha Tea goes back several centuries, and it has been praised for virtues that are near-miraculous. Resembling a soft, rubbery sponge, the Kombucha Culture is really a colony of yeasts and bacteria that live symbiotically. Combined with tea (black, green or herbal) and sugar, the culture turns into a fermented drink that has been assigned a range of controversial health claims.

The biochemical by-products that result from fermentation are thought to be responsible for the tea's reported healing effects, which include relief from arthritis pain, reduction of stress, digestive support, reversal of the aging process and promoting a sense of overall well-being. Although, others are distrustful, or even think it is dangerous. There are no thorough scientific studies on kombucha's effectiveness.

This medicinal tea is known worldwide, especially in countries like, China, Japan, Russia, Korea and Germany. Although, commonly called Kombucha Mushroom, it is not a mushroom. The Kombucha Tea Culture has been used for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years in different parts of the world. This in itself lend testimony to the fact the Tea has long been beneficial to many for a variety of physical aliments.

The Tea is made by placing the Kombucha Culture in a solution of tea and cane juice sugar. Black tea and can juice sugar are the best nutrients. Within 6-15 days, biological and chemical metabolic processes take place producing a variety of beneficial ingredients. The following constituents may be found in the Kombucha Tea:

  • a small amount of alcohol
  • carbon dioxide
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B12
  • folic acid
  • acetic acid
  • Glucuronic acid
  • gluconic acid
  • oxalic acid
  • usnic acid
  • fructose
  • dextrogyral (L-Latic Acid+) enzymes and minerals

The slight amount of alcohol present in the fermented Tea is normally harmless and is no more potent than non-alcoholic beer. The end product also contains a small amount of sugar, which is not converted. The longer the drink ferments, less sugar and more alcohol will be present. It will turn to vinegar if allowed to ferment too long.

Caution: Medicinal Kombucha has to be limited to small amounts throughout the day. The sense of well being brought on by this medicinal tea can have an addicting effect and the urge to drink more than prescribed. Because the medicinal power of this tea releases toxins from the body the liver can get stressed when drinking large doses.

photo of a batch of kombutcha tea fermenting on day 3 photo of a batch of fermenting kombucha tea finally done with formed culture photo of a gallon jar of kombucha tea brewing with culture forming

Organic Kombucha Tea Recipes &
Therapeutic Effects

The active components that are in Kombucha Tea seem to bind harmful toxins, supplementing liver and immune functions. Kombucha may also help sustain beneficial intestinal flora and, in this way, aid digestion and prevent growth of unfriendly bacteria. The tea contains B vitamins that may work as co-enzymes in stimulating metabolic processes. These B vitamins are also important for healthy skin and blood formation.

How Kombucha Grows

Sweetened black, green or herbal tea provides the yeast and bacteria in the culture with nutrients and sugar, causing the culture to grow and ferment the liquid. The Kombucha Culture grows as a rubbery flat disk on the surface of the liquid; store in temperatures below 86 degrees, or it will die.

Medicinal Uses

Grandma's Herbal Kombucha Tea Recipe

Start with 1 gallon of spring water, bring the water to a boil and tear the tags off of 8 teabags. I use Black Tea but you can use Green Tea if you desire. Place the tea bags in the boiling water and shut off. Set timer for 12 minutes. Take the teabags out of water and stir in 1 cup of sugar. Let stand until cool. Pour into gallon glass jug and add Kombucha Culture with the tea it was stored in. Place paper towels over the top and secure with rubber bands. Let sit for undisturbed for 7 days in cool dark area of your kitchen. You will see the original mother (culture) on the bottom and a new baby culture floating on top. Carefully remove both cultures without touching with fingers. (I use a wooden spoon and wooden chopsticks). You can give one culture away to family and friends or store cultures in separate plastic tubs with adding a cup of tea to each container. Make sure you keep one Kombucha Culture for yourself to keep a healthy supply of this medicinal tea. Cultures can be stored up to a year when refrigerated. Strain the remaining fermented tea through cheesecloth into a plastic or glass container and cover with plastic lid or cloth. Never allow tea to come into contact with metal after it is fermented. To make a new batch just follow directions over again.

Basic Recipe

Prepare 1 quart of black, green or herbal tea. In a wide-mouthed jar, stir ¼ cup of sugar into the tea, and let the tea cool. Wash off the culture, and place it on top of the cool liquid. Cover the jar with gauze, and ferment the tea for about 4-6 days. Remove the culture. Pour the tea into clean glass or plastic container; cover them with cloth or plastic and refrigerate. Use the tea within 5 days. Wash the culture in lukewarm water. You can reuse it immediately, or you can store in plastic container in the refrigerator with a dash of apple-cider-vinegar. To make a new culture, cut a 1 ½ inch piece of your culture; then grow it in a batch of tea for approximately 3-4 weeks.Never touch the culture with your fingers or metal.

Building Immunity

Kombucha Tea is thought by many to Boost Immunity . Add ¼ to ½ teaspoon of ascorbic acid (crystalline vitamin C, available from drugstores or health food stores) to 1 cup of warm organic Kombucha Tea. Drink a large cup daily. The vitamin lends extra immune support.

Gout & Arthritis Relief

Kombuch Tea may act as a diuretic. This means that it might help the body eliminate toxin build-up and reduce joint inflammation and deterioration. Drink a 2-4 ounces of this medicinal tea 3 times a day. Taste best cold from the refrigerator.

Organic Kombucha Tea & Herbs

Fortify Resistance

  • 5 teaspoons green tea
  • 1 teaspoon lemongrass
  • Fermented Kombucha Tea

Pour 1 quart of boiling spring water over the green tea and lemongrass. Steep for 5 minutes and add 1 cup of fermented Kombucha Tea. Drink up to a quart daily, up to 2-3 months.

Cleansing Toxins & Waste

  • 2 teaspoons stinging nettle
  • 2 teaspoons of dandelion leave
  • 2 teaspoons of yarrow
  • Fermented Kombucha Tea

Pour 1 quart of boiling water over herb mixture. Steep for 10 minutes. Add fermented 1 cup of Kombucha Tea. Drink a cup, 3 times a day for 10 days. Pause for one week and repeat.

To Relieve Constipation

  • 1 cup of green tea
  • Fermented Kombucha Tea

Kombucha may stimulate intestinal action and the growth of flora. Drink 1 cup of lukewarm tea, 5 times a day. For stubborn constipation, use for 1 week to give your intestine a chance to regulate their action and regenerate healthy flora.

photo of a kombucha tea culture sitting in a plastic container photo of a kombucha tea kit photo of a gallon jar full of kobucha tea with a piece of cheesecloth on top for straining

Organic Kombucha Tea
Helps Relieve Many Ailments

People from all over the world claim drinking Kombucha Tea provides relief from many physical ailments. While it may not be the cure to all the ills of mankind, it is a traditional fermented beverage used in may cultures to promote well-being. Some of the reported benefits from testimonials are:

Kombucha Cultures are usually passed though families and friends. If you have to buy one, make sure you're buying from a business that takes care of its cultures. Taking the proper care, packaging, and refrigeration is extremely important to be able to ferment medicinal organic Kombucha Tea.

  • Acts as a gentle laxative, helping avoid constipation
  • Aids in the relief of arthritis
  • Cleanses the colon and gall bladder
  • Rids in healthy digestion
  • Relieves colitis and stomach cramps
  • Returns gray hair to it's natural color
  • Helps stop non-infectious diarrhea
  • Relieves bronchitis and asthma
  • Clears up Candida yeast infections
  • Regulates the appetite and reduces fat
  • Aids with stress and insomnia
  • Improves eyesight, cataracts and floaters
  • Relieves headaches including migraines
  • Put Lupus into remission
  • Helps reduce the alcoholic's craving for alcohol
  • Eliminates menopausal hot flashes
  • Clears acne, psoriasis and other skin problems
  • thickens hair and strengthens fingernails
  • Enhances the sense of smell
  • Revitalizes the physical body and adds energy-including sexual energy!

    Caution: Many articles do not recommend the Kombucha Tea for pregnant or lactating women. The fetus and young baby do not yet have a developed digestive system to filter unwanted toxins out of their bodies.

    Many people are drinking Kombucha Tea (pronounced Kom-BOO-cha). Others are wondering what it is and why so many people are enjoying benefits from this daily drink, Kombucha Tea, is healthy and refreshing. It tastes somewhat like a sparkling apple cider with a slight tang of vinegar, depending on how long it ferments. The benefits to the physical body vary widely. It is said to enhance the immune system . By detoxifying the body, it makes it unlikely for disease causing bacteria and viruses to find a suitable growth environment. This results in a healthier physical body!


    The statement's made here have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.


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