
by Kris

I have been in relationship after relationship and I am always snooping to see what my other half is doing.. If he is telling the truth. I'm pushing them away but I cant help it.

I am with this man now. Different than anyone I have ever met. He wants his time... Lots of it. We have been together for 6 months and have broken up many times because I have accused him of things that just didn't happen.. Or maybe they did. How do I trust him?

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Dec 09, 2009
Building Trust
by: Grandma

Hello Kris,

It's really hard for me to give you any kind of advise since you're not here for me to ask questions. But I'll try to answer your question the best I can.

From what you're telling me it seems you're trying to build a lasting relationship and he wants someone to date. At times like this you have to depend on your gut instinct. Men do need some time to themselves but not to the extent of making you feel insecure. You need to be honest with him and ask him some serious questions. If his answers aren't what you are hoping for than it's time to move on and let the cards fall where they will. If he truly loves you he will come back and try to make this relationship into what you are expecting.

You don't want to turn this relationship into something you won't be proud of, don't lower yourself down to a standard that he expects so he can have his cake and eat it too. Respect yourself first and your feelings, your gut is telling you what to do, listen to it.

I realize it's hard to let go of someone but once you're feeling this kind of insecurity it's awfully hard to gain trust in someone. You need to help him to understand that he needs to work at regaining your trust, until then you can have a good friendship.

Good luck,


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