Info. about help with Kidney Stones

by James Murphy

Hello Grandma,
I am intrigued with your site. Congratulations!
Did I miss it on the site map? What about kidney stones? Do you have anything to offer?
I have a testimonial. I have recently had kidney stones problems and had one large stone removed by laser lithotripsy. Three months later, another attack and scan showed numerous small stones in both kidneys.
A friend brought me two bottles of natural medicine in capsule form. He said his brother had severe kidney stones and started using this treatment 12 yrs. ago and has not had another attack. I immediately started taking them and now six months later I have not had another attack.
The capsules are: 1.Hydrangea capsules and 2. Marshmallow capsules. Made from the beautiful flower plant, and the original marsh mallow plant used in the beginning to make the marsh mallows like for hot chocolate and roasting over the fire. Not those now made in a laboratory. After more research, it seems that the early settlers found Indians using Hydrangea plant remedies for urinary track problems. I'm not sure what the marshmallow does. My friend said that it takes the barbs off the stones and helps them pass without pain. Don't know and don't understand but it is working for me. I ordered these online from a dietary supplement site. Keep up the good work!
Thank you,
James Murphy

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Jul 13, 2014
kidney stones
by: cheryl frew

My son is 32yrs old and he has had kidney stones for three months.He is realy sick he can't keep anything down and he's potassium levels are realy low i am realy worried about hI'm he has been to hospital five times and they give him some fluids by a drip

Apr 10, 2012
Sick & Tired
by: Grandma

Hi Beccie,

I'm so sorry you're having so many health issues and now a frozen shoulder, my goodness, how much can a body handle?

To answer your question, I don't think the herbs will help gallbladder stones. I do have a recipe on my website to flush gallbladder stones but I really don't know if you can handle it with all you've been going through with your kidney stones. And I have to warn you it tastes really yucky. If you want to read about it you can find it listed under "Home Remedies".

Grandpa went to physical therapy for a frozen shoulder. It happened after he dislocated his shoulder. It was really painful for him and finally had to have surgery and again go to therapy. You might want to make sure it's just a frozen shoulder before going to therapy. It will be real torture if you have something else wrong with your shoulder.



Apr 10, 2012
by: Beccie

Thank you Grandma, Unfortunately I did have the procedure. WOW, what an experience. they did knock me out though. That was good. Am just getting to feel a little better now. I am wondering Grandma, if this herb will also work with gallbladder stones which I know I have a sack full. If not, is there something that does both? This fibro is as close to Lupus as I can get. I remember my aunts always running to the dr as each organ was taxed and all had their own issues. Seems to me there are days that I feel like I am slowly just withering away. Every week another dr or two appts. Now I have a "frozen shoulder" which was diagnosed after a quick xray at the ortho's office. I think it is worse than that. But, am struggling to get an MRI instead of doing PT 2x's a week. I am afraid they will mess it up worse. Sorry to use your site for a boo hoo session, but, Grandma, I am tired of being sick and tired. Love B

Mar 24, 2012
Herbal Supplements for Kidney Stones
by: Grandma

Hi Beccie,

I hope you haven't started getting your stones blasted yet, the medical field seem to be doing it way too fast before trying other options.

Believe me Beccie, the Hydrangea really does work. My son will testify to that. I just placed an order this morning for him. The supplement is simply called "Hydrangea". At least where I order all my herbal supplements from. That's where I ordered it 10 years ago. They also have Marshmallo, simply called "Marshmallo". If you can't find it locally you can order it from my website:
then just type the names of the herbs in the search box. It only takes about 3 days to get it in the mail.

Take care Beccie,

Mar 24, 2012
kidney stones
by: Beccie

Hi Grandma, Beccie here. I am now in the throws of getting the blasting done on a gumball size stone in my left kidney. I am glad to read that they may and probabaly will come back. that was one of the questions I was going to ask. So, I am curious about the hydrangea and marshmallo remedy. Have we figured out the name of supplement that is made from these two plants that we can go to the store to find? I would love to know what to ask for. Can I get a little more help with the name of the product. I would be willing to go online to find it. Thank you for all you do Grandma, you are wonderful.
Love you, Beccie

Mar 23, 2012
Kidney Stones & Herbal Supplements
by: Grandma

Hello James,

I am so glad you found your way to my website. Thank you so much for your compliments. But...I do believe our paths were meant to cross more for me than you.

About 10 years ago my oldest son came down with kidney stones. He was in so much pain and of course they wanted to operate. But a good friend of mine, a natural healthcare practitioner, told me about putting him on hydrangea. He took the hydrangea for a couple of weeks before they wanted to test him again before surgery. When they did the scan they couldn't find any kidney stones at all. It was amazing. The hydrangea completely turned his stones into crystals and he passed them easily. But....he recently came down with kidney stones again. He called me to order the remedy for him but for the life of me I just haven't been able to remember what is was. Like I said, it was over 10 years ago and I even lost track of my herbal friend to call. I've been looking through my books and notes and just haven't been able to figure out what herbal supplement I gave him.

I thank you so much James for you testimony, I'm sure this will not only help my son but many other people suffering from kidney stones. I was surprised to read about the marshmello root, I thought is was good for the respiratory system. I looked it up this morning and sure enough, marshmello root is also an excellent herb for the urinary system. So I'll order that along with the hydrangea.

By the way, you may be interested to know that dairy is well known to cause kidney stones, especially milk. My son knew that, but he went on a dairy binge over the last couple of months and I'm sure that is what brought them on again.

God Bless You, James, I hope you'll visit often. I'll be sure to write an entire page about hydrangea, marshmello root and kidney stones.


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