Health Benefits of Honey

by Wayne H Smith
(Heflin, Al USA)

About 4 months ago, I had a blister under my big toe that was the size of about a quarter and a half and several layers of skin deep and was disgnoised with diabetes.

As part of my recovery I went to a wound care center at the hospital. They used and sent me home with a sheet of Medihoney, which they said was sterile honey. Over the course of 4 months I used it along with a spray cleanser they sent with me and I kept it bandaged. They did debride the wound every two weeks to keep body in a healing mode with it. Now, I can't tell it was ever there. I did take antibotics for 5 days in the hospital, as it was infected. But after that only the medihoney. It is about an eighth inch thick. I had about three sheets and only one and a quarter was needed for the entire time as the the size decreased noticably at each appointment.

They measured and took pictures to satisfy the insurance company that they were being successful with the treatment. I went to the drug store and asked if they wanted to buy the two sheets I had left (about 4 inches by 3 inches. The pharmacist said, "I don't know what medihoney is?" so apparently since it works so well, pharmacutial companies don't want it in the general use.

Your website is fantastic. I have just begun using vinegar for everthing instead of the cleaners which take my breath especially the chlorine based ones and vinegar is better.

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Nov 30, 2011
Honey Benefits
by: Grandma

Hello Wayne,

Thank you so much for letting us know about your experience with honey as a medicinal benefit. You were so lucky to find a clinic that would use honey. I was really surprised to read about the medihoney sheets, I didn't know they existed, but I will remember to suggest them. I'm sure you found my page about the benefits of honey and I've recommened honey many times to people that have wounds that won't heal. Of course some of them think I'm crazy. The medihoney sheets would really help as far as thinking about it being messy.

I'm so glad you found my pages about the benefits of vinegar. And you're right, it's such a relief as far as a cleaning solution. The chemicals people use daily are just making them sick, even though they think they are disinfecting their homes.

I hope you'll visit my website often and thank you again for teaching me about the medihoney sheets.


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