
by Kay

Hi my name is Kay,

I'm also a grandmother and great grandmother. I have always used my mother's home remedies.

The man, I have been dating for nearly 5 years has recently been told his uric acid was too high. He doesn't have gout but it could turn into that. Would apple cider vinegar help? I am a big believer that it helps almost anything that ails me.

I just found your web site and love it already!!
Thanks so much!!

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Apr 30, 2008
Home Remedy for Gout
by: Grandma

Hello Kay,

Yes, apple cider vinegar is very good for gout but I'd suggest using the Apple Cider Vinegar Cocktail recipe that I have written about on my website, it's so much easier on the stomach and easier to tolerate. You can find it under the button Vinegar Wisdom, then just scroll to the middle of the page and you'll see a link there. Or go to:


I have also written a page about gout on my website. One of the best home remedies for gout or high uric acid are fresh cherries, or pure cherry juice. I had an attack of gout several years ago and I've been drinking cherry juice and eating fresh cherries (when they're in season) and it's helped me. I have found other home remedies for gout and you can find the page if you click on the Home Remedies Button on the left and scroll down till you find the link for Home Remedy for Gout. Or go to:


You can just copy and paste those links into your browser and it will take you right to the pages.

It's always so nice to hear from a fellow grandma and great grandma. You made my day mentioning you're enjoying my website.

If you have any home remedies you'd like to share with visitors to Grandma's Wisdom I'd love to hear from you again. Don't be shy, home remedies are a lost art that us grandma's need to share.

Thanks for contacting me,


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