by Paula Wright
(Fort Bragg,California)

Hi my name is Paula Wright and I was wondering if you had a sample of your GOAT MILK SOAP that you could send me? I was raised on GOATs MILK and I have been wanting to try this soap to see if it would stop my dry hands. See every soap I try it drys my skin out bad to were my hands crack and gets sore. I know that GOATs milk is a wonderful thing. When I was growing up we had at one time 200 GOATS. So I was wondering about this soap. You can email me at topazmerc@gmail.com

Thank You,
Paula Wright

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Jan 25, 2013
free sample
by: Anonymous

i love the smell and feel of goat's milk soap it's like washing with cream ,

Nov 17, 2011
Goat Milk Soap
by: Nancy

I have a website: www.goatmilketc.com. I would love to send you a sample of the goat milk soap.

May 23, 2011
Dry Hands & Goat Milk Soap
by: Grandma

Hello Paula,

I wish I had some of the soap I brag so much about but right now I don't have any for myself. I've ordered it several months ago but the family that makes this soap is just so busy they don't have time to make it. I know you can understand since you grew up on a farm. Soap making is just a hobby for them and the pressure of running their farm, especially in the spring, is just overwhelming for them at times.

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't get email from people wanting to buy the soap, especially people that have already tried it, it truely is a wonderful soap and shampoo they make. I told them if they started a factory they might be able to keep up with my orders.

In the meantime I'd suggest you try using a mild soap, like a baby soap on your hands and to bath with. Whatever you do, stay away from all anti-bacterial soaps and deoderant soaps. Your local health food store might carry a mild soap, maybe even goat milk soap. I buy a hand soap at Wal Mart, it comes in a pump bottle and you can buy a huge bottle for refils, I really like it and anytime I get company they ask what it is and where I buy it. It's called, Softsoap, with Milk, Protein and Honey. I'm sure you can even order it online from Wal Mart and they now have free shipping and handling.

I'd also keep a small bottle of pure virgin olive oil on the counter and massage it into your hands after every time you wash your hands. I think this will help heal your hands.

When I do get a new supply of Olive Oil and Goat Milk Soap I'll be sure to let everybody know,


PS I deleted your home address to protect your privacy.

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