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Chances are pretty good that you or someone you know has diabetes, there are more than five million Americans currently being treated for this disease. Diabetes occurs when the body does not produce or use insulin, the hormone that helps move ingested sugars out of the blood and into the cells, as it should. In some types of diabetes, the target tissues just don't respond, but in the most common type of diabetes, diabetes mellitus, the production of insulin is impaired, which can greatly increase blood-sugar levels. Untreated, this rise in sugar can lead to coma or even death. There are two forms of diabetes mellitus: Type I or juvenile diabetes, develops during childhood or early adulthood: Type II, or adult-onset diabetes, usually occurs after age 40. Keep a Diabetes Treatment Journal: One of the best ways for diabetes management is to keep a journal to monitor your progress. Eventually, your journal should answer the following questions:
Of course you'll have your own research and discovery about yourself and your response to natural remedies, exercise and various diabetes treatment. Write down everything that seems important to you, any changes in moods, immune system, energy level and sleep patterns.
Natural Remedies for
Limit breads, rolls, rice, pastas, chips, potatoes and sweets. Recent research has suggested that limiting dairy products, especially milk, can greatly improve your need for insulin. Choose instead fresh vegetables and proteins, such as salmon, tuna, beans and nuts.
Stimulate the metabolism:
Because excessive sugars and fats in the blood-stream can cause damage to the blood vessels, it is especially important for diabetics to maintain healthy circulation. Ensuring that all organs get enough oxygen is the only way to prevent complications, such as blindness, loss of kidney function and circulatory disease in the extremities.
Blueberries and Hawthorn Berries can help protect blood vessels from damage. Diabetes management consists of keeping blood vessels healthy and keeping blood-sugar and cholesterol levels in check, this way you can starve off complications.
Regular use of saunas and hot baths can help stimulate the elimination of toxins from the body.
Blueberries for Diabetes Treatment and Health:
Blue and purple pigments, or anthoxyanosides, are found in blueberries, bilberries, and other fruits. Anthocyanosides improve circulation and help protect blood-vessel walls from damage. Use commercial capsules, drink unsweetened blueberry juice and eat fresh blueberries; you can freeze some for use during the winter months.
Foods for Diabetes Management:
Most legumes are a good meal choice for diabetics. Even though beans contain starch, they are also rich in protein, fiber and saponins, all of which can help balance blood sugar.
When preparing dried beans, throw out the water the beans were soaked in and start cooking beans in fresh water. This help eliminate not only the starch but also the gas problems.
Eat bean burritos, make chili with beans, put kidney beans in salads and prepare bean dips. There are so many wonderful ways to eat beans, and there are just as many varities of beans so you'll never get bored eating this healthy food.
Test Your Urinary-Sugar Level Yourself
Even in the early stages of diabetes, elevated sugar levels are detectable in the urine. You can purchase test strips in a pharmacy to check your urinary-sugar level.
Proven Home Remedies:
Diabetes Treatment and Management is all doable. Pay attention to your diet and subtle symptoms your body gives you. Most important, test your blood-sugar level regularly.
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