Can you Help me Grandma for Boils?

by lisa
(pennsylvania, usa)

I been getting boils in the pubic area for some time now and wondered if you have any suggestions ? i have tried the black tar stuff...... boilezease didnt help much..once it would break it would spread..and i ended up with more ..i tried a potato that allways broke it but is hard to keep a potato on that area...

please help im frustrated... Lisa

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May 09, 2012
Boil Remedies
by: Grandma

Hello Lisa,

It must be awful to deal with boils in that area. Boils can be so painful.

One thing I'd like you to try is the gin and raisin tonic I have on my website. I know it sounds strange but I have gotten testimonies from people that have tried it for boils and it actually worked. You just soak a batch of raisins in gin form at least 2 days then eat 9 raisins each day. I have it on my website for arthritis but like I said people have tried it for different ailments and I've been surprised how good it works. If you want to read more about it, just go to the button on the left that reads "Home Remedies" and look for the link for "Home Remedy for Arthritis".

Try not to take a bath during this time and try showering instead. A hot compress can be comforting and can help the boil to surface and break. Be careful when it starts to break that you keep it clean, you don't want to spread the infection. You might also want to try putting a little White Vinegar in warm water and dabbing it on the boil or rinsing some down over the area. It may sting a bit but it just might give you some relief.


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