Bees and Wasps Pest Control

by bamagirl
(mobile al.)

How do I keep bees and wasps out of my yard ?

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May 25, 2011
Natural Garden Pest Control for Bees and Wasps
by: Grandma

Hi there Bamagirl,

Seeing Bees and Wasps in your yard is actully beneficial to your garden but not at the expense of getting stung.

The first thing you should do is look around your yard and see if there is something that is attracting them. Like soda cans, pet food or sweets.

If you are just noticing one or two buzzing around you when you are in your yard, take a can of hair spray with you and spray them. It will put a coat on their wings and prevent them from flying. It only lasts for awhile so don't hang around the area too long.

If you're noticing a lot of wasps and possibly a nest in your yard you can make a paste of borax and jelly and spread some on a piece of cardboard in different areas of your yard. This will actually kill the nest after time. But don't do this if there are kids or pets or even wildlife that's in or around your yard. This can make them very very sick or possibly kill them.

Another trick is to leave some soda pop in the bottom of a two liter with the cap off. Let it sit to attract them, they'll get inside to drink the pop but have a tough time finding their way back out, just put the cap on and dispose of the bottle.

Hope these tips help,


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