
What suggestions do you have for natural remedies, herbs or vitimens to help with
Asthma, gallbladder and h-pylori

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Feb 14, 2011
Health Issues
by: Grandma

Wow, you have a mixed bag of health issues. As far as Asthma and home remedies and herbal remedies I wouldn't feel comfortable suggesting you experiment with anything. It's much safer for you to stick to your medications your doctor is giving you. I do know that in case of an emergency, like times you might forget your meds and suddenly notice an asthma attacking coming on you should drink a few cups of black coffee. This can help subside the attack until you can get to your meds. I also know that high doses of vitamin C can help slow the attacks down, along with normal doses of vitamin E and B.

I did write a page on the gallbladder and gallstones. I have a recipe that helps to flush gallstones out but I have to warn you, it's pretty yucky to get down. You can find that page and recipe if you go to the button "Home Remedies" on the left and look for the link for the gallbladder and liver flush.

As far as the H-pylori, I know it's a bacteria that causes an ulcer. I've read that Aloe Vera juice can help soothe and actually heal an ulcer, I'm not really sure if it would help the bacteria. I might try this in small doses to start, just to see if you notice any relief. Another herb I've heard is really good at healing an ulcer is Capsicum, or Cayenne peppers. You can buy this in capsule form. I do suggest you check with your doctor before trying any of these suggestions. I wouldn't want to see you having a reaction when mixing herbs with any medications you might be on.


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