Apple Cider Vinegar and LPR (Laryngopharyngeal Reflex)
by Wendy
(Helena, AL)
For weeks and weeks I was plagued with a cough that felt more like spasms. The ENT specialist diagnosed it as LPR. He prescribed a Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) - Prilosec. I researched the side effects and decided to try a home remedy first. Nearly every recommendation said to try ACV. After the first try (1 TBS. in a cup of water) I experienced a moderate lessening of symptoms. A few hours later, I drank another cup with ACV and experienced marked improvement-enough to get excited and think this might actually work! The next morning I tried it again and my symptoms were almost completely subsided! After one or two more times, my cough COMPLETELY went away!!!! I was so thankful to finally be rid of such a debilitating cough!!!!! (I realize this is my experience, and would not encourage anyone to keep from seeing their physician.) Thank God for apple cider vinegar!!! And, thank you for your helpful forum!!!