Any Natural Remedies for Dissolving Kidney Stones?

Hi "Grandma",
I am stubbornly trying to avoid kidney stone you have any methods for dissolving existing stones? I've heard of magnesium and B6...aka Beelith tablets...but am unable to find them. Any advice would be great! Thanks!

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Sep 28, 2012
cranberry and stones
by: sarah-jo

I would be wary of taking cranberry if you suffer Cystine stones as its acidic. you need urine more alkaline, not acidic to help prevent stones forming. with there being many different types of stones unfortunately they don't have a one fix for all, each requires different treatment. thankfully Cystine is the rarest, but unfortunately the hardest to treat

Apr 12, 2010
Kidney Stones and Home Remedies
by: Grandma


Yes, I've heard that Magnesium Phos. is wonderful for preventing kidney stones. I'm not sure about expelling them.

A few things I've found beneficial for disolving kidney stones are an herb called "Hydrangea". My son had kidney stones a few years back and they showed up in his x-rays. They wanted to operate but I insisted we wait and he try an herbal treatment. I put him on Hydrangea and within a week it disolved his kidney stones. When he went back for tests they couldn't believe they were gone and he didn't even suffer from expelling them.

Another thing I insist on when someone is suffering from kidney stones is to drink lots of cranberry juice. It will coat the lining of the kidneys and bladder so that when the stones are passing they won't scrap or cut the lining. It is also really good for cleaning the kidneys and bladder out. Just be careful if you are taking a blood thinner. If so, I'd only drink a cup a day.


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