About Hair Loss

by smitha

I am really upset about my hair,,,,,i stay in paying guest..and working for a global organisation...So I have no time to take care of my hair,but love to have a thick and long hair,i always go for head massage and apply oil every alternate days..but still have lots of hair fall...please suggest me any remedy for this problem..am 22 years old

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Aug 17, 2011
Hair Loss & Health
by: Patricia

Hello Smitha,

The first thing I'd suggest is you see your doctor and get tested to rule out any health issues like a thyroid or adrenal dystunction, a hormonal imbalance or an orgainic illness. Once you know it isn't a health issue then it's time to pay attention to what you are putting on your scalp. First it's important to understand that it's natural to lose around 100 hairs a day and grow back the same amount. So unless you're noticing thinning in some area I wouldn't worry too much.

The first steps are basic, like using a mild shampoo, avoid blow-drying your hair as much as possible. Also avoid perms and hair dyes. The less chemicals you use on your hair the healthier it will be.

You can try this very old recipe if you're really concerned about hair loss.

Mix together 10 teaspoons of rum, 5 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 egg yolk. Massage the mixture into your scalp twice a week in the evening and wash out in the morning.


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